Wednesday, December 16, 2009

2009 Appointment of Barack Obama

I think that I need to beat the drum and alert America they are witnessing a time in History that the future generation will call the "melting point"! Am I the only one thinking that the Nobel Price selection committee has no idea what a resounding reverbation they have caused by this 2009 appointment of Barack Obama. He was even too embarrassed to hang around to drag on the hypocracy of this selection. My god, Bill Clinton would have been a better choice. He brought the jounalists back from Korea, He started the non-profit organization that has done more to heal the international splinters that George W. Bush, Jr was responsible for causing.

Am I the only one thinking that this Nobel Prize committee added insult to hypocracy when they placed Obama on the same realm with Nelson Mandella. It is just unconscionable!! When I remember that Nelson Mandella trained as a lawyer, spent 26 years in Prison most of it in solitary confinement for no crimes committed. He merely believed in the principal of all men being created equal and so should be treated. He lived 30% of his life as a boy, another 30% of his life behind bars, on 20 square meters of soil. Mandella lost his only son, his family and his so-called normal free life for this principals. After all of that, Mandella receive Nobel Peace Prize. Am I the only one who noticed that Obama’s book entitled “ the Audacity of Hope” is a parody of a Biography of Mandella entitled “Higher than Hope” by Fatima Meer, written some 20 years earlier. Just coincidence that Obama chose the title for his book “Audacity of Hope”? Am I the only one who thinks that that was shrewed of him.

I wonder has the Nobel Prize Peace Prize committee read any Nelson Mandella’s books such as “The long walk of Freedom, by Mandella “. Maybe they did read “How Far we Slaves have come” by Mandella and that’s why they flashed their lights on Obama for this award this year. He is going to be President for at least four years they could have waited until his last year in office. am I the only one who is thinking one can not compare Mandella, the Dahli Llama of Africa….with an Obama, (a saint) but still the con artist of the century in the age where we have the Bernie Madoff’, George Bush,Jr, Arnold Schwartznaagger, Sinefeld, Bruno, and Angelina Jolie as Billboards for the term. Yes, I mean to call them all the con artist with honor and zeal! In fact, I think this year will be remembered in History as the age of Chicanery, much as we remember the Renainase Age. Obama, is the ringmaster of our circus. His charisma, whether with a juggling act, acrobatic leaps, or cracking the whip, can successfully do all those things and talk dog off a meat truck.

I would need an entire new blog to discuss my feelings about Dr. Martin Luther king, Jr and how prolific he has been to our history before winning the Nobel Prize. Am I the only one enraged that Obama should receive this Nobel Prize. Am I the only one with this epiphany, that we are in the mist of the melting point, and “It’s a small small world after all!”…

Its getting late, I gotta go looking for a job this morning!

Holla Back

Hey the websites I recommend taking a look at this week are: Beware of Identity Theft and Play Christmasville - FREE Online

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