Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Nightmare Before Christmas!

Am I the only one that woke up this morning from a nightmare that echoed ringing liberty bells fading in the background!

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!! From the spirits of Past, Present and Future.

In my
nightmare the Axelrod caravan brought three hooded icons bearing presents or (presence) for their profit (Prophet) of Hope. There he was a highbred mixture of a gifted as a gospel orator and Harvard Law Review Editor who sold his soul to become President? Saving our nations economy for the brink of disaster, Copenhagen Accords, Health Care reformed and The Nobel Peace Prize, all by Christmas! Those who bought his soul are even astonished at how well he has performed for them.

The first icon was the
fraternity of the Central Bank. They were given their wish from the shining star. He told them that indeed the prophecy from the People was upon us. Central Bank can now print money with Debt as the only Collateral.

The second icon was the largest of Multinational Corporations enslaving men of all nations. And he said, "Let them inherit the earth via
bailouts, and consumption of all natural resources for they are the few that understand that they’re really no boundaries. Let the meek march with propaganda and get saturated in more concepts like the "Audacity of Hope”, for they are the lamb of the lands." Oh Tis the season to be grateful that our savior has mandated 30 million more customers to fortify the insurance industry's cracking foundations.

The third icon was the Nobel Peace Prize, the holy ghost of past martyrs that moved him to part the waters for the ultimate economic salvation, WAR, the never-ending story!

Now that I am awake is Bill Moyers President yet? And has Bill Maher replaced Oprah?

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